Example Workflows

Discover how Salt streamlines the development and deployment of sophisticated AI workflows

    • Text to Video

    Parallax Video Generation

    by JackG

    This powerful workflow allows users to effortlessly generate captivating 3D parallax motion from a single prompt or image. Its adaptable design enables prompt scheduling and sequential init images, opening up creative possibilities and potentially revolutionizing the generation of synthetic training data for motion loras.

    • LLM

    Prompt Enhancement with LLM Nodes

    by WAS

    This workflow showcases the power of integrating language models (LLMs) into Comfy. By leveraging LLMs, users can create more effective and dynamic prompts, enabling the generation of highly customized and responsive visuals that adapt to the user's intent and context. This integration significantly enhances the creative potential and flexibility of the platform.

    • Text to Image

    Text to Cinematic Mech Image

    by Jay Cooper

    Generate stills from a cinematic sci-fi fantasy world. Your prompt will guide the mech-cinema workflow to imagine a still moment from a fictional film series featuring stunningly real characters and environments.